Choosing the Right Gaming Mouse Pad

Choosing the Right Gaming Mouse Pad

Choosing the right mouse pad is an important yet sometimes underappreciated aspect of improving gaming performance. While gamers are notoriously picky about mice preference, the same is not necessarily true when it comes to mouse pads and you sometimes see battlestation pictures missing mouse pads altogether! In any case, the fact is that no matter how good the mouse, if the underlying surface is no good, then the overall experience will be no good. That being the case, which mouse pad should you use? Take a look at this reference chart that ranks several mouse pads from 'fastest' to 'slowest.'

To explain, the left starts with the speediest or most sensitive mouse pad, while the right-most mouse pad offers the most control by being slower or less sensitive. At SZ Gaming, we believe having the right balance between speed and control will best allow your mouse to function the way it was meant to work. As such, the TYKA was designed to hit that sweet spot in terms of balance, and you can see that from the above image. Nevertheless, given that gaming peripherals come down to personal preference, trying out a few to determine the best fit is always going to be optimal. And you know what that means--turn on, tune in, and game out!

-SZ | Kevin